John Smith

Junaid Khan
ML/DL Practitioner

  • Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
  • +91 8668728946


  • Deep understanding and expertise in the field of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Statistical Learning.
  • Experience in Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualization with principal component analysis, TSNE, Data Preprocessing & Feature Engineering.
  • Graphs, Classification, Regression, Computer Vision and Deep Learning (MLP, CNN, RNN – Encoder-Decoder Attention Models )
  • Natural Language Processing Transformer (BERT , ALBERT etc. in Hugging Face )
  • Mathematical knowledge in Optimization techniques – Gradient Decent, SGD, AdaGrad, AdaDelta and Adam
  • Linear and Nonlinear models, Bayesian theory, Recommendation systems, Data visualization.
  • Transfer Learning using pretrained models like VGG16,DenseNet etc.
  • KNN, Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Random forest, Decision Tree, XGBoost ,Gradient Boosting Decision Trees.


Programming Languages

  • Python
  • SQL
  • C/C++


  • MySQl


  • Jupyter Notebook
  • VS Code
  • PyCharm

Machine Learning Tools

  • scikit-learn
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras


July 2020 - Aug 2020

Recruit Restaurant Visitor Forecasting

  • Objective:-The Goal of the project is to predict how many future visitors a restaurant will receive using Machine Learning Technique.
  • Analysis:-Performed detailed Exploratory Data Analysis on Recruit Restaurant Dataset.
  • Models Built:-K-Nearest Neighbour, Linear Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest & GBDT.
  • Framework & Lib:-Python – SkLearn, XGBoost, Statsmodels, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Pandas & Numpy.
  • Blog:-Visit Medium Blog.
  • Code Repo:-Visit GitHub Repository.

July 2020 - Aug 2020

Pneumonia Detection using Chest X-Rays

  • Objective:-The Goal of the project is to Buil a deep learning model that automatically detects & locate potential pneumonia lung opacities on chest radiographs (CXR).
  • Analysis:-Performed detailed Exploratory Data Analysis on RSNA Pneumonia Detection Data Dataset.
  • Models Built:-A binary image classifier model using ChexNet (i.e densnet121 trained on chest x-rays) and A Pneumonia opacity detection model using YoloV3 model with ChexNet as backbone.
  • Framework & Lib:-TensorFlow, pydicom, cv2, albumentations, lxml.
  • Blog:-Visit Medium Blog.
  • Code Repo:-Visit GitHub Repository.


July 2012 - May 2016

Government College Of Engineering, Chandrapur
Bachelor of Computer Science & Engineering (7.11 CGPA)

July 2010 - July 2012

Kendriya Vidyalaya WCL, Chandrapur
HSC 12th-Grade (68.20% Aggregate)

June 2009 - June 2010

Government Jubilee High School, Chandrapur
SSC 10th-Grade (77.45% Aggregate)


June 2016 - January 2021

Nexus Techsolution, Chandrapur
Freelance Developer

  • Designed & Developed static & Dynamic websites from scratch or using CMS
  • Optimized existing websites
  • Performed Search Engine Optimizations
  • Integrated Payment Gateways
  • Integrated external plugins & API's

February 2021 - July 2021

SimSol Technologies & Services Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai
ML-AI Developer

  • Information Extraction
  • Optical Character Recognition
  • Image Processing & Classification Models
  • Object Detection Models

July 2021 - Present

Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd
Senior Data Science Engineer

  • Bulk Data Handling & Preprocessing
  • Working on Advanced NLP Technologies
  • Working on Advanced Grammatical Error Correction Models


Issued July 2019

Applied Data Science with Python - Level 2
See Credential

Issued July 2019

Data Science Foundations - Level 1
See Credential

Issued July 2019

Python for Data Science
See Credential

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